Software Engineer Helps Bridge a Communication Gap for His Grandmother

Software Engineer Helps Bridge a Communication Gap for His Grandmother

Manuel Lucio Dallo was concerned about his Grandmother when pandemic lockdowns first occurred in 2020. He knew she loved her grandchildren deeply and would not be able to see them regularly like she was used to.

Due to her failing vision and unfamiliarity with modern forms of communication, Manuel decided to invent a solution, based on telegram technology, that could help her stay in touch with her grandkids. He calls it the “Yayagram”, and it can send voice messages via Telegram with the press of a button. The device can also receive messages from her grandkids and then print them out for her using thermal paper.


The Yayagram was built with grandma in mind and has helped her remain close with her grandchildren, sending and receiving messages every day in a format she is comfortable with. 

Dallo put his skills to work to help his family maintain strong connections throughout the pandemic. He recognized the importance of those relationships in her grandmother’s life, and took action.

Conversation and relationships are so important to our mental and emotional wellbeing, and connections across generations are too valuable to neglect. What’s holding you back from reaching out to someone that matters to you?

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